Category: Contract Law

mature business leader signing contract
Contract Law

Untangling Liability: A Guide to Understanding and Managing Risks with Independent Contractors

An independent contractor is someone who provides services to a client or business entity under...
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Contract Law

Is That Really Enforceable?

Can you force a fiduciary duty – the highest duty recognized in law – on...
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Businessmen and lawyers discuss contract documents. sign a business contract.
Contract Law

What is your noncompete agreement worth?

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A law book with a gavel - Class action
Contract Law

Contract Ambiguity

Individuals, private corporations and partnerships, and government entities sign written leases, agreements and other types...
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How to Choose a Board for Your Startup section law
Contract Law

Contract 101: Cooling Off Period

It is important to remember that usually signing a contract binds you to that deal....
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Engineering, meeting and blueprint with people in office for construction
Contract Law

AIA Contracts and Architectural Firm Disputes

Can an architectural firm terminate a license to use its drawings and specifications? Yes, yes it can....
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Non Compete Agreement. Business Competition Contract And Law
Contract Law

Are Non-compete Agreements in Texas Enforceable in Other States?

Many people willingly sign non-compete agreements with employers without stopping to read the fine print or consider...
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Vendor concept. Wooden letters on the office desk, informative and communication background
Contract Law

Negotiating the Best Deal From Your Vendors and Suppliers

Everything is negotiable. Everything. Even if it seems a supplier has a monopoly on something...
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Crop a photo of a real estate agent helping clients read and sign contract documents at their desks with house designs. along with home insurance
Contract Law

Pursuing Damages for Wrongful Termination of a Construction Contract

When a contract is terminated before completion, it follows that one or both parties will lose money,...
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Bad things happen. Worried young lady manager calling client by cell to discuss breach of contract. Concerned millennial businesswoman sit at work desk talk to supplier about failure to meet deadlines
Contract Law

What to Do When Your Vendor or Supplier Breaches the Contract

Nothing can bring your production to a stand-still like a dispute with one of your vendors or...
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