Author: vethanlawfirmpc

mature business leader signing contract
Contract Law

Untangling Liability: A Guide to Understanding and Managing Risks with Independent Contractors

An independent contractor is someone who provides services to a client or business entity under...
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construction worker holding his colleague's hand
Construction Claims

Navigating the Maze: Legal Solutions for Common Construction Disputes

Construction projects involve various stakeholders, from contractors to suppliers, aiming for successful outcomes. However, disputes...
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Red flags about your business partner section
Mergers & Acquisitions

Legal Hurdles in Mergers & Acquisitions: How to Overcome Them

In the complex world of mergers and acquisitions (M&A), the journey from contemplation to completion...
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Justice and Law concept

Navigating the Business Jungle: The Art of Letters of Intent in Civil Litigation

In the intricate world of business transactions, the path to success often begins with a...
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Houston and Dallas Business Lawyer QuestionsResourcesTexas Business Law

Red flags about your business partner?

Discovering that a business partner may be stealing from you can be a distressingexperience. After...
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Judge gavel with Justice lawyers having team meeting at law firm background. Concepts of Law and Legal services.
ResourcesTrademark Law

How Do You Prove Damages in Trademark Infringement?

Trademark infringement is a serious issue that can cause significant harm to businesses. When a trademark...
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Book with title federal law on a table.
Corporate LawResourcesTexas Business Law

Betrayed in Business Part Three: Trusting a Trustee Whose Hand is in the Cookie Jar

THE JURY’S QUESTION Do you find, from a preponderance of the evidence, that Don Davis,...
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Aerial view downtown Atlanta skyline
Corporate Law

Choosing a Business Structure: An Overview of Your Options

This might be one of, if not the most, important choices you make after choosing...
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Book with title federal law on a table.
Corporate LawResources

Betrayed in Business Part 2: Investment Advisors Who Churns and Burns for More Commissions They Earn

A breach of fiduciary duty occurs when someone entrusted with managing a business's affairs betrays...
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Book with title federal law on a table.
Corporate LawResources

Betrayed in Business Part 1: Corporate Officer Breaches Fiduciary Duty

A breach of fiduciary duty occurs when someone entrusted with managing a business's affairs betrays...
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